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Register your tickets online & Signup with a valid email address & mobile number. Please browse or search events of your tickets and click on the sell link to enter the selling process.

Register & Signup
Register & Signup
Upload E-Tickets(PDF) or Share Download Links

You will upload e-tickets (PDF) online when available for instant download for buyers or share tickets download links. Tickets with quick download options are sold more quickly as compared to paper tickets.

Ticket Sale Notification via EMAIL/SMS

On Successfull sale, you will be notified about sale of your tickets via Email & SMS. Please be active on your email and mobile to make sure you receive and read the notifiecations timely.

Register & Signup
Register & Signup
Dispatch Tickets

You will dispatch tickets to buyer. E-Tickets (PDF) should be emailed or uploaded online. Alternatively tickets download links should be shared or tickets should be transferred via mobile tickets app to the buyer. If paper tickets are sold then you will dispatch tickets to provided buyer address and will email us proof of courier dispatch receipt with trackable tracking number.

Get Paid

You will be paid via wire Transfer within 10-15 working days after the event. Once signed up. Please fill up online the bank account details with IBAN/SWIFT information and confirmation the bank details so we can pay you the sales amount (after deducation of our selling fees) to your bank account within 10-15 working days(15-21 calendar days) ater the event.

Register & Signup
(Search Event & click on Sell Button to Proceed)